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Thesis Design has always been considered not only as the finale of undergraduate students, but as the debut while we intend to embrace our career and society in the future. The exhibition is one of the crucial turning points for each architectural student. During the exhibition, people will look through various projects, and each one of them is attentively raised by us. Though the profound discussions and reviews will be taken place in every corner in the exhibition field, we deeply believe the ripple will go along with visitors in their way home. Such effects are derived from our intention and purpose, presenting a particular and current phenomenon, which is the area we like to trigger the conversations not just among TKUA students, but among projects, participants, and students from other architecture schools. That is the area in between. After such event, we will carry on our belief and statement in the world of architecture. 









    The idea of “In-between” was first mentioned in the book, When the Architecture was born, written by architect Sou Fujimoto. In-between means transition, a dynamic condition toward next and upper stage, and an awkward situation that is not clearly defined by obvious intention and extent. In Fujimoto’s language, instead of settlement and security, In-Between means more possibilities and opportunities in terms of its abundance and challenge, ruleless and unlimited. 


    Of high technology and information in the 21st century, we live in a boundaryless society where we freely exchange thoughts with others. That is the most valuable thing among individuals and groups because it brings up more dialogues, creativeness and inspirations. The blending among versatile differences may look well and thorough above the surface, however, it leads to disorder and chaos underneath. The proven evidence is the progression stops and we lose the value of culture in certain areas which we may not be fully aware of. 


   Nevertheless, we consider that the zone of In-Between remains abundance and it only occurs among people while the ones who have unique personality and independent thinking are connected and interacted thru a specific form. Such interaction will lead to precious creativeness and inspire more and more thoughts and opportunities.


    As a part of society and fledging architects, we like to present such phenomenon thru our Thesis Design. With a redefined form and style of exhibition theme, which is so-called “In Between”, we will convey the thoughts and concepts of how we rethink of and interpret it via our eyes and minds. 

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