棄 物 || 邊 境 | Margin Of Derelict棄 物 || 邊 境 | Margin Of Derelict
重建人與流浪狗、城市與邊陲地帶的生活關係 | relink the relationship between people and dog,city and frontier
劉星貝 | Hsing-Bei Liu | 靈感紓解場靈感紓解場 | Landform : the catalyst of interaction
“地景”的延伸做為空間交流的策略 | Creating space for interaction by the landscape and cityscape.
江欣怡 | Hsinyi Chiang | 邊界/易站 | The tra/dnsmission邊界/易站 | The tra/dnsmission
變速市集-交通規畫下的城市邊緣區再造 | After intensifying the dead zone of city by trafic planning
徐毅佳 | Yi-Chia Hsu |